Wednesday 3 August 2011


So, I have recently encountered an annoying short term memory loss issue. I  think since I have a gazillion things on my mind, and my to do list, I easily forget the important things in life.

-finding milk glass vases for .89 cents at the Salvation Army
-when the most amazing husband in the universe buys me 2 new lenses for a wedding
-buying a backpack for our trip to Europe that is way to big for me
-my parents face when we told them we bought them a new stainless steel fridge
-friends that I haven't met face-to-face that have impacted my life and that make me happy
-organizing my desk
-getting amazing emails from clients who are thrilled with their photos
-shooting a wedding and getting images like this:

-I don't O for another week....O stands for ovulate people, get your minds out of the gutter.
-STRESS ahh I have so much of it to go around, and I hope it doesn't affect point #1
-ignorant people...35 is 35, not 41
-having a temporary bedroom with no windows and waking up with a headache and no sunshine every morning

And that wraps up this weeks addition of loves and loathes...until next time...


My two loves.
Husband, aka Lucas and my baby Lexi.

As you can see, Lex is in desperate need of a bath. I shall put that on my to-do list with the other gazillion things.