Wednesday 20 July 2011


That's me, the girl with the camera. I love that thing. 

Tomorrow husband and I have a very important appointment with our RE. I am freakin' terrified.

Here's the very short, and unemotional aspect of the scoop. We have been TTC,  that's trying to conceive, for 15 months. TTC a baby, did I need to clarify that? I guess I was naive when I made my life plan, marry young, build a house, have a baby, repeat. (Just the baby part, people!) We decided to start TTC around April 2010, thought it would take a few months, and I would get my summer baby. 

Fast forward 15 baby. The first few months, we didn't think anything of it. We were happy newlyweds, and were just having fun and doing our thang! At the 6 month point, I started getting frustrated and upset each month when AF (that's Auntie Flo, or 'girl times' as my friends and I often refer to it as), and each month seeing that single pink line on the test made me more depressed and devastated.  How was it that all of these girls were getting pregnant like, BAM, and we were not. I could not understand it. I went to my doctors, and she informed me that it would happen, be patient, and if after 1 full year of trying, we had not conceived, she would refer us to a fertility clinic. She ASSURED me, this would not be the case. Well doc was wrong. She was awfully short with me when I went for my appointment and requested that referral. No, I did not want to try any longer, yes, I know I am still young and there is no rush, but we want a baby NOW!

Ok, fast forward again, to June 2011. Started going to the fertility clinic, had numerous tests, some painless, some painful, and tomorrow my friends, we get the results. 

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