Monday 25 July 2011

yesterday, and the day before

Well, the dreaded RE results appointment and the weekend are officially over. Why the weekend is over already, I have no idea.

Overall, the results were ok. There is nothing seriously wrong with husband or I that should prevent pregnancy, just a few minor things, I won't bore you with details, I promise.

Doctor has been at the clinic and practicing for 1.5 years, he informed us. He was even-toned and gave off a chilly vibe. Not really the kinda vibe I want to get when discuss such pressing and important matters. He had options for us.

1. Wait it out. At least another 6 months.
2. Get a Laparoscopy. IF Endometriosis is found and removed, chance of pregnancy is increased to 50% each month of TTC, from about 20%. This surgery is not the least bit appealing, nor did doc think it was something that we should do.
3. IUI. The chance of a cycle of IUI working is 20%. IUI costs $1500 a cycle, including medicine.
4. IVF. The chance of an IVF  cycle working is 50%.  IVF costs $10,000 a cycle, including medicine.

Doc gave a brief overview of the procedures. He informed me, that with any procedure, there is an increased chance of having twins...or triplets, could we handle that? Hmmm.... yes, we know that, and yes we can.


And the verdict is...we are going to wait it out.

I am not ready to give myself injections, even though I don't have the slightlest fear of needles.
I am not ready to have my eggs removed and put into a petri dish with some sperm and have it grow into an embryo.

Maybe I will be someday. But not today, or tomorrow, or the day after that.

I have high hopes, and loads of faith that it will happen. SOON.


And because every post needs a photo.... It's my secret message in a bottle, baby dust....

...and lots of love.

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